A-Mech Engineering Inc.

Consultants solving problems for today's industry













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Q: What does A-Mech Engineering Inc. do?

A: We are a contract house having support for mechanical design, documentation, electrical, electronic packaging and computer programming. The design could be a robotic arm, a sheet metal box and bezel for a WEB TV or a computer controlled turret assembly station .  The task could be just one aspect of a larger company project or to support a company with additional engineering services.  Including documentation, testing, evaluation, cost reduction and production, 

Q: What kind of projects have you done?

A:  Electronic packaging for computers, consumer devices, power supplies,  microwave.  Lasers for medical, entertainment and CDroms.  Robots, computer controlled stations, mechanisms,  pumps, motors (brushless), optics, fans, electrostatic filters, card readers, test fixtures, tooling for injection mold, pressure molds and urethane.  Medical 5 axis chairs and tables, paper handlers, nuclear waste handlers, Pc board layout, ink jets ......

Q: Can you document an existing product?

A: Yes we can take a device see what it has to interface with and document it with tolerances and assembly drawings.

Q: Can you fix or analyze a failure.

A:  Yes with our extensive experience and contacts a solution can be identified and usually turned around in 24 hours.

Q:  What programs do you use?

A: We use Solid Works for solid modeling.  Algor and Cosmos for analysis and Surfcam for CAM work.

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